About our Products


Epicode’s CTE (Cloud Telephony Enablers ) range of products support API based integration to enable multi-channel applications like CRMs, Campaign managers and Lead management systems with Voice and Answering machine detection ( CPA) capabilities.

Why CTE?

The customer service and digital marketing applications like CRMs and lead management systems are increasingly being provided as a SaaS model and are invariably deployed on Cloud data centres from AWS, Azure , Google Cloud, etc.


  • SaaS application providers are able to handle data channels like SMS, Email, Chat, Social Media and mobile Apps by themselves. But for handling the Voice channel, they need to rely on companies with proven experience on VOIP technology.
  • Cloud data centre providers like AWS, Azure, etc address redundancy at network and server level. However, application level redundancy can be tricky and needs to be addressed by the application vendor.
  • Most of the application providers use web services for inter-process communication, which can result in message delivery failures during peak traffic load. Open socket method of handling inter-process communication is a lot faster, efficient and reliable option.
  • Cloud licensing instead of Node based is preferred for cloud hosted applications.
  • For the US market, a competitive, cloud-ready and scalable Call Progress Analysis (CPA) for Answering machine detection is a prerequisite for auto dialer used cases.

Click to know how IraCPA and IraDialer help to solve the above challenges

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